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GIS Day Keynote Event: The Path from GIS Manager to GIS Leader

For GIS Day this year we have a special treat. ESRI’s Adam Carnow will be delivering for us what would normally be a Conference keynote presentation. We will also be giving away five free ArcGIS for Personal Use licenses at the end of the presentation. These licenses are valued at $100 (US) and provide access to a full range of ArcGIS capabilities. Scroll down for details on how to join us on Zoom!

Abstract: In order to maximize the impact of GIS in your organization, garner executive sponsorship for GIS, and increase your personal career potential, we have got to shift the conversation from technology to capability, and that capability is Location Intelligence (LI). This presentation will review the 5 pillars of LI (Strategy, Organization, Data & Technology, Culture, Literacy), as well as provide real examples of GIS practitioners that are using these techniques to move up in their organizations and increase the value of their GIS program.

Adam Carnow is a Community Evangelist at Esri, the global market leader in Geographic Information Systems (GIS).  He is a keynote speaker, thought leader and technology evangelist, helping organizations get the most out of their GIS investment, and make a difference in their communities.  He inspires customers to maximize their return on investment in the ArcGIS platform.  He works closely with the Esri teams and Partners to assure customer success.  He helps these organizations use the ArcGIS platform to transform from mapmakers into solution providers, through the application of location intelligence, to deliver spatial insight.  He strives to assist customers in creating and reaching their vision, and gaining professional recognition for their efforts, like awards, presentations, articles and videos.  Mr. Carnow has over 25 years of experience as a GIS practitioner in the public and private sectors, as well as academia.  He holds a BA in Geography, and a MA in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Florida, and has achieved certification as an Urban Planner (AICP) and GIS Professional (GISP).

Click here for archived video of webinar